
Jeff Raatz

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200 W. Washington St. 
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Jeff Raatz

State Senator - District 27


Indiana State Senate, 2014 – Present

Political Affiliation


Standing Committees

Education and Career Development, Chair
School Funding Subcommittee


Baker College of Muskegon, BA in Business
Indiana University, MA in Management


IU East Advisory Board and IU East Business Graduate Program, Member
Cross Power Ministries Board, Member
Every Child Can Read Board, Member


U.S. Army


Business Owner, Raatz LLC.
Assistant Director, Eastern Indiana Regional Planning Commission


Wife: Lisa
Children: Samantha and Robyn 

Counties Served

Henry, Union and Wayne counties, and portions of Franklin County

Jeff Raatz

State Senator - District 27

Raatz: Communities in Senate District 27 receive more than $5 million in road-funding grants

Communities in Senate District 27 will receive more than $5 million to improve roads and bridges through the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program (CCMG), said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz Roundup: Supporting teachers is vital for Indiana's future

(Feb. 28, 2024) As we near the middle of the school semester, it is important to reflect on how important teachers are to Senate District 27. They play an important role in uplifting young Hoosiers and helping them reach their academic and career goals. Thanks to their efforts to implement improved Science and Reading curriculum in the classroom, Indiana students recently saw significant gains in reading and math scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress. more »

Sen. Raatz welcomes local students to Statehouse in January and February

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) welcomed Knightstown resident and Knightstown Community High School student Vance Toth, (pictured with State Sen. Spencer Deery (R-West Lafayette)), to the Statehouse where he served as Senate page in January. more »

Statement from State Sen. Jeff Raatz on State of the State Address

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 29, 2025) — "I am grateful for Gov. Braun's consistent support for school choice as well as taking efforts to attract great educators to our state. more »

Freeman, Raatz, Rogers: Indiana reading test scores sixth best in nation

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 29, 2025) — State Sens. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond), Linda Rogers (R-Granger) and Aaron Freeman (R-Indianapolis) are today celebrating Indiana's impressive improvement in reading scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Scores improved from 19th to 6th in the nation among fourth graders and 17th to 6th among eighth graders following a series of statewide efforts to improve reading education in Indiana. more »

Raatz Roundup: Hoosier students will benefit from Indiana's new diploma options

A high school degree is the first step to success for Hoosier students, regardless of where their future may take them. However, in the past, our educational system revolved around the expectation that every student needs to go to college after they graduate if they want a chance at success. As a result, we subjected all students to requirements that gave some the false idea that their high school education has little relevance to their lives. more »

Raatz: Applications open for Indiana Senate Page Program for 2025

STATEHOUSE (Dec. 6, 2024) — The Indiana Senate has begun accepting applications for the 2025 Senate Page Program, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz to chair Senate Committee on Education and Career Development for 2025 legislative session

STATEHOUSE (Dec. 6, 2024) – State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) has been reappointed by Senate President Pro Tem Rodric Bray (R-Martinsville) to serve as chair of the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development for the 124th Indiana General Assembly. more »

Raatz Roundup: Indiana releases Attendance Insights Dashboard

This year, the Interim Study Committee on Education, which I vice-chaired, focused on researching the issue of student chronic absenteeism and ways to address it. more »

Raatz Roundup: Supporting Hoosier Educators

The Indiana Commission for Higher Education (CHE) is accepting applications for the Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship, which gives future teachers the opportunity to earn up to $40,000 in financial aid. more »

Raatz: Supporting Safe, Reliable Energy for Indiana

With many energy-intensive industries like data centers relocating to Indiana, it is more important than ever to support safe, reliable energy solutions so our grid can keep up with demand.  For that reason, I co-authored a law in 2023 that increases the permitted capacity of small modular nuclear reactors and one in 2022 intended to potentially support the development of nuclear power in our state. more »

Raatz Roundup: Indiana's Average Teacher pay surpasses $60K

Indiana's Average Teacher Pay Surpasses $60K more »

Raatz Roundup: Second draft of new diploma requirements finalized, seeking feedback

During the 2023 session of the General Assembly, I sponsored a law that directed the Indiana State Board of Education to create new high school diploma requirements. In August, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) presented a revised proposal, which was published last week and takes into account previous feedback. IDOE is now seeking additional feedback from Hoosiers on this updated proposal. more »

Raatz Roundup: Fighting for pro-family policy

Recently, the Indiana Family Institute released their annual legislative scorecard for legislators in the General Assembly. I am proud to have been given a 100% rating based on my support for several pro-family bills this year. more »

Raatz Roundup: Preparing to vote

The 2024 General Election on Nov. 5 is coming soon, and it is important for residents of Senate District 27 to be prepared to vote. more »

Raatz Roundup: Expanding work-based learning

As our state economy continues to grow and change, the importance of work-based learning will only increase. As it does, the Indiana Career Scholarship Account (CSA) program will become more important in our efforts to prepare the workforce of tomorrow. Established by a law I sponsored in 2023, the program provides a $5,000 grant to allow high school students to participate in work-based learning opportunities as a supplement to their regular high school courses. more »

Raatz Roundup: Getting students back in class

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Indiana and the nation have struggled to get students back in the classroom. The rate of chronic absenteeism in the state reached an all-time high during the 2021-2022 school year and remains much higher than the 2019-2020 school year. To address this issue, I authored a law setting the groundwork for future legislation and requiring schools to create a truancy prevention policy. more »

Raatz Roundup: Protecting parental choice in education

Raatz Roundup: Protecting parental choice in education more »

Raatz Roundup: Celebrating agriculture, preparing future farmers

With the Indiana State Fair wrapping up last month, it is only fair to congratulate members of the Indiana FFA and 4-H for all the work they put in to develop the exhibits prior to and during the weeks-long event. more »

Raatz Roundup: Feedback drives significant updates to Indiana diploma changes

During the 2024 session of the General Assembly, I sponsored a bill that directed the Indiana State Board of Education to create new diploma requirements, updating a system that was created before personal computers and cell phones were in common use. more »

RAATZ ROUNDUP: Restoring the balance of power

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many major decisions impacting the lives of Hoosiers were being made by the state executive branch with little or no input from legislators or the judicial branch. more »

RAATZ ROUNDUP: Helping students pay attention this school year

As schools across the state are coming back in session, it is important to make sure students are equipped to use their time in class as wisely as possible. Cellular devices can be distracting for anyone, especially students learning fundamental skills. That is why I authored Senate Enrolled Act 185 this year, which requires each Indiana school to implement a cellular device policy that limits their use during instructional time with some exceptions. more »

RAATZ ROUNDUP: Ensuring our universities serve Hoosiers

Education is one of our most vital resources, and our universities need to be protected from foreign adversaries. Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly common for our foreign adversaries to try to take advantage of their financial relationships with our educational institutions hoping to influence what they are teaching the next generation. To address that, I sponsored House Enrolled Act 1179 to require state institutions of higher education to disclose gifts from and contracts with foreign entities, since transparency is the first step to ensuring our educational institutions continue to serve the people of Indiana. more »

Raatz: Indiana Senate Republicans offering paid internships for 2025 session

STATEHOUSE (July 24, 2024) — The Indiana Senate Republican Caucus is offering paid spring-semester internships in its communications, information technology, legal, legislative, page and policy offices during the 2025 session of the Indiana General Assembly, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

RAATZ ROUNDUP: Preparing future educators

For the past eight years, the Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship has reduced financial barriers for those who aim to become teachers. However, the program left some barriers in place, and Indiana still has a significant number of open jobs for educators and not enough applicants. more »

State Sen. Jeff Raatz to vice chair education study committee for 2024

STATEHOUSE (June 28, 2024) — State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) will serve as vice chair of the Interim Study Committee on Education and as a member of several other study committees in preparation for the 2025 legislative session. more »

Raatz Roundup: Expanding Educational Flexibility

Students can save a significant amount of time and money by obtaining college credits while still in high school, but some do not have this opportunity. That is why I co-authored Senate Enrolled Act 8 this session, to address this issue and other inflexibilities in the process of obtaining college credits and applying them to a degree. more »

RAATZ ROUNDUP: Protecting children from explicit content online

In an age where smartphones and the internet are more accessible to children than ever before, better guardrails to protect them from unhealthy content are sorely needed. That is why I co-authored Senate Enrolled Act 17, which requires websites where a majority of the content is sexually explicit to verify the age of its users. more »

RAATZ ROUNDUP: Protecting gun owners from discrimination

Financial institutions should not be allowed to discriminate against consumers based on their lawful purchases. That is why I sponsored House Enrolled Act 1084, which prevents financial institutions from discriminating against individuals who purchase a firearm. more »

Raatz: Disaster relief loans available in Franklin and Union counties

STATEHOUSE (May 31, 2024) — Qualified individuals in Franklin and Union counties may be eligible for one of several disaster relief loans following severe weather earlier this month, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

RAATZ ROUNDUP: Reconnecting education and the workforce

More than 228,000 high school students were enrolled in Indiana Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses last year, and over 6% of students enrolled in higher education were going to a trade school. We have listened to many employers over the last year and believe that coordinated efforts to align our system with work based learning opportunities led by employers is critical to workforce pipeline readiness. That’s why I have supported several bills over the past few years to create more flexible work-based learning opportunities. more »

The Raatz Roundup: Helping teachers ensure students can read

In 2023, 1 in 5 students were missing foundational reading skills according to Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) data. Tackling this problem was the Indiana Senate's top legislative priority for 2024, reflected in the passage of Senate Enrolled Act 1 – a comprehensive bill to better identify students struggling to read, give them extra remediation, and support our educators in teaching literacy. more »

The Raatz Roundup: Supporting teachers is vital to Indiana's future

As the school year wraps up, the importance of our educators cannot be understated. In addition to the curriculum they teach, they are role models for our children and have a major impact on their lives. Above and beyond words, however, my colleagues and I hope the legislation we passed this session will show the value we place on teachers throughout the state. more »

Raatz: Universities must remain politically neutral

STATEHOUSE (May 10, 2024) – "Students should and do have the right to speak about issues they care about. However, universities must maintain a safe environment during protests while making sure all laws are followed. more »

Raatz: When immigration law not enforced, Hoosiers bear cost

STATEHOUSE (April 30, 2024) – State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) is highlighting the importance of a new law passed this year to push back against illegal immigration in Indiana. more »

Raatz: READI 2.0 recipients announced

STATEHOUSE (April 17, 2024) – "Last week, the recipients of the Indiana Regional Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI) 2.0 were announced, and I'm pleased that all of the counties I represent are receiving funding to improve the quality of life for their residents. more »

Franklin County farm honored with Hoosier Homestead Award

Represented by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) and State Rep. Lindsay Patterson (R-Brookville), the Elmer & May Brack farm in Franklin County received a Centennial Award. more »

Sen. Raatz welcomes local student to the Statehouse

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) welcomed Sulphur Springs resident and homeschooled student Lacey Homoth to the Statehouse to serve as a Senate page in February. more »

Statement from State Sen. Jeff Raatz

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) made the following statement regarding the conclusion of the 2024 legislative session: more »

Raatz: Bills to address students' literacy, attention skills move to the governor's desk

Bills authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would improve students' literacy skills and address cellphone use in the classroom passed the House of Representatives Tuesday, Feb. 20. more »

Sen. Raatz welcomes local students to the Statehouse

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) welcomed the following local students to the Statehouse who served as Senate pages in January. more »

The Raatz Roundup: Halftime at the Statehouse

The Indiana General Assembly finished the first half of the 2024 legislative session this week. The Senate introduced 297 bills in the first half, and of those, 110 passed. Of the bills that passed, 88% received bipartisan support and 58% received unanimous support. more »

Raatz: Bills to address students' literacy, attention skills pass the Senate

Three bills authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would improve students' literacy skills and address cellphone use in the classroom passed the Senate this week. more »

Raatz files bills for the 2024 legislative session

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) files several bills to be considered during the 2024 legislative session at the Statehouse Wednesday, Jan. 3. more »

Raatz: Applications open for Indiana Senate Page Program

The Indiana Senate is now accepting applications for the 2024 Senate Page Program, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz: General Assembly kicks off 2024 session

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) gathered with fellow legislators today at the Statehouse for Organization Day – the ceremonial start of the Indiana General Assembly. more »

Raatz: Communities in Senate District 27 receive more than $2.1 million in road-funding grants

Communities in Senate District 27 will receive more than $2.1 million to improve roads and bridges through the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program (CCMG), said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz: Indiana Senate Republicans offering paid internships

The Indiana Senate Republican Caucus is offering paid spring-semester internships in its communications, information technology, legal, legislative, page and policy offices during the 2024 session of the Indiana General Assembly, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

State Sen. Jeff Raatz to serve on Drainage Task Force

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) will serve as a member of the Drainage Task Force in preparation for the 2024 legislative session. more »

State Sen. Jeff Raatz to serve on study committees

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) will serve as a member of several study committees in preparation for the 2024 legislative session. more »

RAATZ ROUNDUP: New laws go into effect July 1

The Indiana General Assembly passed a total of 252 laws this year, and many of them go into effect on July 1. I supported the following policies and look forward to seeing their positive impact on our communities. more »

Statement from State Sen. Jeff Raatz

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) made the following statement today regarding the conclusion of the 2023 legislative session: more »

Raatz: Communities in Senate District 27 receive more than $4 million in road-funding grants

Communities in Senate District 27 will receive more than $4 million to improve roads and bridges through the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program (CCMG), said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Statement from State Sen. Jeff Raatz

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) made the following statement today regarding the Richmond warehouse fire more »

Officer Seara Burton bridge renaming resolution passes General Assembly

A resolution sponsored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) and authored by State Rep. Brad Barrett (R-Richmond) that memorializes Richmond Officer Seara Burton passed the General Assembly today. more »

Druley-Pierce farm honored with Hoosier Homestead Award

Represented by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) and State Rep. Brad Barrett (R-Richmond), the Druley-Pierce farm in Wayne County received a Sesquicentennial Award. more »

Raatz Roundup: Improving School Safety Resources

Last week, the Indiana General Assembly started the second half of the 2023 legislative session. The chambers traded their respective bills, including the budget bill (House Bill 1001), and restarted the legislative process to review legislation before it is considered by the governor. more »

Sen. Raatz welcomes local students to Statehouse

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) welcomed the following local students to the Statehouse who served as Senate pages in February. more »

Raatz Roundup: Cutting taxes for small businesses

Small businesses are the backbone of our communities and economy, with the Indiana Destination Development Corporation reporting nearly 500,000 small businesses in Indiana employing more than 1.2 million Hoosiers statewide. more »

Raatz Roundup: Improving Indiana's public health infrastructure

Having a healthy population is key to our state's success. By preventing health problems, rather than treating them, Indiana can foster healthy families and a strong workforce. more »

Sen. Raatz welcomes local students to Statehouse

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) welcomed the following local students to the Statehouse who served as Senate pages in January. more »

Raatz Roundup: Expanding Hoosier Higher Education Opportunities

As chair of the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development, I have supported legislation that would help ensure eligible Hoosier students are aware of financial aid opportunities through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and Indiana 21st Century Scholars Program. more »

Raatz Roundup: Expanding property rights for rural landowners

Hoosiers struggle to develop or sell their homes when the state designates the area to be in a floodplain. This is even more frustrating when federal mapping data is less restrictive and differs from the state's mapping. Senate Bill 242, which I authored, would repeal the provision and give local floodplain administrators the option to use state or federal floodplain mapping data. more »

Raatz Roundup: Improving early literacy skills in Hoosier children

To help children receive a jumpstart in their literacy skills before ever entering the classroom, they need access to books at home. This is why I authored Senate Bill 340, which would establish the Indiana Imagination Library to provide Hoosier children from birth to age five free high-quality books each month regardless of income level. more »

Raatz Roundup: Keeping money in Hoosiers' pockets

In Indiana, we view ourselves as a strong competitor in attracting and retaining talent and business. In fact, it is thanks to nearly a decade of conservative leadership that many publications have named us among the most affordable, lowest taxed and financially strong states in the nation. more »

Raatz Roundup: A review of the first week of the 2023 legislative session

The first week of the 2023 legislative session is in the books, with bills filed and the government's commitment to making Indiana a greater place to live, work and raise a family reaffirmed. more »

Statement from State Sen. Jeff Raatz

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) made the following statement today in response to Gov. Eric Holcomb’s 2023 State of the State address: more »

Raatz Roundup: 2023 Legislative Session begins

The 2023 legislative session reconvened Jan. 9, and lawmakers are tasked with creating a new state budget. more »

Raatz Roundup: Do your part to ensure broadband access for all Hoosiers

Reliable broadband access is critical in supporting Indiana's business environment and quality of life. In recognition of this need, the state continuously invests in local projects to improve internet access for Hoosier families and keep pace with the demands of technology. more »

Raatz Roundup: Celebrating Christmas

It is that time of the year again when family and friends come together to celebrate the holidays and give thanks for all our blessings in life. Even though the temperatures are dropping, the atmosphere is getting warmer as Hoosiers put up decorations around their homes and prepare for the festivities. more »

Raatz: Public input sought for Drainage Task Force meeting

The Drainage Task Force is seeking public input to discuss state drainage laws and how they affect the agriculture industry, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond), member of the task force. more »

The Raatz Roundup: Take my 2023 Constituent Survey

Our Indiana General Assembly passes legislation each session that deals with important topics including education, agriculture, economic development, infrastructure and broadband – each of these issues directly impact Hoosiers' quality of life. This is why I am encouraging you to participate in my 2023 constituent survey, which contains questions on a variety of topics that might be addressed during the legislative session. more »

Raatz to chair Senate Committee on Education and Career Development

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) has been reappointed by Senate President Pro Tem Rodric Bray (R-Martinsville) to serve as chair of the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development for the 123rd Indiana General Assembly. more »

Raatz: Communities in Senate District 27 receive more than $1.6 million in road-funding grants

Communities in Senate District 27 will receive more than $1.6 million to improve roads and bridges through the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program (CCMG), said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

RAATZ ROUNDUP: Improving the wellness of our communities

Maintaining the health of our communities is important in ensuring prosperous, long-lasting homes that can support current residents and the generations that follow. more »

Raatz: Applications available for Indiana Senate Page Program

The Indiana Senate is now accepting applications for the 2023 Senate Page Program, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Happy Thanksgiving

Before we celebrate the New Year, the holiday season is a time to gather with loved ones and appreciate the many blessings in our lives – including warm, delicious food shared amongst family and friends. more »

Raatz: General Assembly kicks off 2023 session

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) today gathered with fellow legislators at the Statehouse for Organization Day – the ceremonial start of the 123rd Indiana General Assembly. more »

Raatz serves on Drainage Task Force

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) served on the Drainage Task Force Monday, Nov. 21, at the Indiana Statehouse to discuss the regulation of drainage laws and how they affect the agriculture community. more »

Raatz: Public input sought for Drainage Task Force meeting

The Drainage Task Force is seeking public input to discuss state drainage laws and how they affect the agriculture industry, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond), member of the task force. more »

Raatz: Future Hoosier educators encouraged to apply for scholarship

The Indiana Commission for Higher Education (CHE) is offering Next Generation Hoosier Educator Scholarships to future educators committed to teaching in Indiana for at least five years after college graduation, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz Roundup: Supporting veterans

This week, on Friday, Nov. 11, Americans will recognize Veterans Day to honor and thank the brave men and women who have served our country. more »

Raatz Roundup: Reporting Medicare scam calls

I would like to remind Hoosiers that Medicare will only call if you left a message with a customer service representative, or if a representative said someone from the agency would call you back. more »

RAATZ ROUNDUP: Protecting Hoosiers in uncertain times

Policies and decisions from the Biden administration and the federal government are perpetuating an era of uncertainty. Thankfully, Indiana Republicans pinpoint fiscal health and responsibility as main priorities to better support Hoosiers – and it shows in our legislation and credit rating. more »

Raatz Roundup: Scholarship available for future teachers

Administered by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (CHE), the renewable Next Generation Hoosier Educator Scholarship scholarship awards recipients up to $7,500 for up to four academic years totaling $30,000, or roughly one full year's worth of tuition. more »

Raatz Roundup: Advancing Hoosiers' Academic Futures

The Indiana Commission for Higher Education (CHE) reported an additional 57 Indiana high schools and eight post-secondary education institutions are offering the Indiana College Core (the Core) to high school students. more »

Raatz Roundup: Celebrating Local Schools

Educators are among the first leaders our children meet and trust, so it is important to celebrate the dedication and passion our educators bring to classrooms across the state. more »

Statement from State Sen. Jeff Raatz

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) made the following statement today regarding the passing of Richmond Police Officer Seara Burton: more »

Raatz Roundup: Never forget September 11, 2001

Twenty-one years ago today, thousands of American families were forever changed. In the wake of tragedy, we as a nation, came together to show the resiliency of the American spirit. more »

Raatz Roundup: Investing in K-12 Education

During the 2021 legislative session, the Indiana General Assembly created a budget allocating a historic $1.03 billion in new funding to K-12 education; $345.6 million for the 2021-22 school year and $685.6 million for the current 2022-23 school year. more »

Raatz: Indiana Senate Republicans offering paid internships

The Indiana Senate Republican Caucus is offering paid spring-semester internships in its communications, information technology, legal, legislative, page and policy offices during the 2023 session of the Indiana General Assembly, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

State Sen. Jeff Raatz to vice chair education study committee

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) will serve as vice chair of the Interim Study Committee on Education and as a member of several other study committees in preparation for the 2023 legislative session. more »

State of Indiana and Lilly Endowment Inc. invest $111 million in early literacy

The State of Indiana and Lilly Endowment Inc. have invested $111 million to support early literacy development using proven teaching techniques that align with the Science of Reading, a research-based strategy that uses practices such as phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. more »

Statement from State Sen. Jeff Raatz

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) made the following statement today regarding the announcement of The Lilly Endowment's investment to support early literacy for Hoosier students. more »

Raatz Roundup: More than $4.6 million going to Senate District 27 from opioid settlement

Indiana communities have been hit hard by the opioid epidemic. According to the Attorney General's office, the rates of opioid prescription in Indiana reached a peak in 2021 when, on average, there were 112 opioid prescriptions for every 100 residents in the state. more »

Statement from State Sen. Jeff Raatz

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) made the following statement today regarding the tragic shooting of Richmond Police Officer Seara Burton. more »

Preserving fairness in female sports

In the past few years, the United States has seen an increased number of biological males competing on female sports teams where they have displayed a sex-based advantage. more »

Hoosiers set to receive tax refund

Championed by Statehouse Republicans in the Indiana General Assembly in 2011, the automatic taxpayer refund law requires excess revenues be split between existing teacher pension obligations and a refund for hardworking Hoosier taxpayers. Indiana is only one of six states with an automatic taxpayer refund in place. more »

Reinforcing Free Speech on College Campuses

Freedom of speech is a long-standing pillar within our democracy thanks to the ratification of the Bill of Rights. The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld First Amendment rights at state universities by stressing the importance of promoting a "marketplace of ideas" or free academic discussions on college campuses. more »

Raatz: $16 million in rural broadband grants awarded locally

STATEHOUSE (April 21, 2022) — Rural broadband projects in Senate District 27 will receive a total of $16,057,158.35 to improve broadband connectivity through the third round of the Next Level Connections Broadband Grant Program, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz: Communities in Senate District 27 receive nearly $3.5 million in road-funding grants

STATEHOUSE (April 20, 2022) — Communities in Senate District 27 will receive nearly $3.5 million to improve roads and bridges through the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program (CCMG), said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz: Local farms honored at the Statehouse

STATEHOUSE (April 6, 2022) – Area legislators today announced the latest recipients of the Hoosier Homestead Award, which recognizes farms that have been owned and maintained by the same family for 100 years or more. more »

Making sure your voice is heard

By State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) It is my belief that Democracy works best where open lines of communication exist with active engagement. more »

Putting money back in Hoosiers' pockets

By State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) Unlike Washington, D.C., my colleagues and I in the General Assembly have and continue to make sound fiscal decisions at the state level to return Hoosiers' money back to them. more »

Preventing Coerced Abortions

By State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) No one has the right to coerce a woman to receive an abortion and end the life of her unborn child. more »

Raatz welcomes local student to Statehouse

STATEHOUSE (March 16, 2022) – State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) welcomed Francis Baldridge, from Farmland, and Quinn Burdette, from Sunman, to the Statehouse to serve as a Senate page in February. more »

2022 legislative session has concluded

Just as quickly as it began, the 2022 legislative session has come to an end. The Indiana General Assembly tackled a variety of issues, and I am happy to see a number of important initiatives pass. more »

Approaching the End of Session

The 2022 legislative session is nearing its end, and many bills are being sent to the governor for consideration. The Indiana General Assembly has tackled a number of issues this session, and I am glad to have three of my bills moving forward in the legislative process. more »

Helping the nursing shortage in Indiana

As we saw during the pandemic, Indiana's healthcare professionals, including our nurses, are an important part of our society. But even before the pandemic, Indiana was facing a nursing shortage. Indiana must work to address this shortage in order to make sure Hoosiers are able to have proper health care available to them. more »

Raatz Roundup: Education and line of succession legislation moves forward

We have just finished week seven of the 2022 legislative session, and we only have three weeks remaining. Next week is the last week for bills to be heard in their respective committees, and if they are not heard, they will not move forward in the legislative process. more »

Raatz Recognizes Career and Technology Month

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) welcomed the Indiana Association for Career and Technical Education (Indiana ACTE) to the Statehouse Feb. 15. more »

Raatz Roundup: Starting the Second Half of Session

The Indiana General Assembly has wrapped up the first half of the 2022 legislative session. The Senate and House of Representatives have chosen and traded their respective bills for review. Now, the chambers will restart the process before the bills can be sent to the governor for final consideration. more »

Sen. Raatz welcomes local student to Statehouse

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 10, 2022) – State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) welcomed Ryan Wiggins, an Oldenburg Academy student from West Harrison, to the Statehouse as a Senate page in January. more »

Sen. Raatz Presents Resolution to Memphis Lee at the Statehouse

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 8, 2022) — State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) presented Senate Concurrent Resolution 24 to Memphis Lee for being named 'High School Man Of The Year" by the Indianapolis Colts. He was recognized for his character, leadership and teamwork on and off the field. more »

Raatz: General Assembly kicks off 2022 session

STATEHOUSE (Nov. 16, 2021) — State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) gathered with fellow legislators on Nov. 16 at the Statehouse for Organization Day – the ceremonial start of the Indiana General Assembly. more »

Raatz Presents Resolution to Memphis Lee at the Statehouse

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 8, 2022) — State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) presented Senate Concurrent Resolution 24 to Memphis Lee for being named 'High School Man Of The Year" by the Indianapolis Colts. He was recognized for his character, leadership and teamwork on and off the field. more »

State Sen. Jeff Raatz to chair Interim Study Committee on Education

STATEHOUSE (June 16, 2021) — State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) will serve as chair of the Interim Study Committee on Education during the summer and fall to help prepare lawmakers for the 2022 legislative session. more »

Indiana Senate Republicans urge IU to rescind mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy

Members of the Indiana Senate Republican Caucus today sent a letter to Indiana University President Michael McRobbie urging the University to reconsider and rescind the policy mandating all students and staff receive the COVID-19 vaccine. more »

Raatz: Senate District 27 awarded more COVID-19 response funding

STATEHOUSE (April 22, 2021) — Senate District 27 was recently awarded funds to help communities continue to address the impact of COVID-19, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Op-ed: Raatz: 2021 legislative session update

The Indiana General Assembly recently completed the first half of the 2021 legislative session. The Indiana Senate introduced 411 bills, and of those, 168 were passed by the Senate. more »

Raatz: Bill to fully fund virtual students in public schools passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 2, 2021) — A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would fully fund students attending school virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic passed the Indiana Senate today with bipartisan support. more »

Raatz: Bill to address proof of mailing dates passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 2, 2021) — A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would address proof of mailing dates unanimously passed the Senate today. more »

Raatz: Bill to address proof of mailing dates passes committee

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 28, 2021) — A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would address proof of mailing dates unanimously passed the Senate Committee on Local Government today. more »

Raatz: Bill to fully fund virtual students in public schools passes appropriations committee

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 28, 2021) — A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would fully fund students attending school virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic passed the Senate Committee on Appropriations today. more »

Statement from State Sen. Jeff Raatz, 2021 State of the State Address

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 19, 2021) — "Tonight Gov. Eric Holcomb outlined a number of priorities and goals during his State of the State address. more »

Raatz: Senate District 27 businesses encouraged to apply for Main Street grants

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 13, 2020) — The Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) is now accepting applications for the Taking Care of Main Street grant program, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz: Bill to fully fund virtual students in public schools passes committee

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 13, 2021) — A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would fully fund students attending school virtually, passed unanimously in the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development today. more »

Raatz: Bill to fully fund virtual students in public schools receives hearing

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 6, 2021) — A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would fully fund students attending public schools virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic for the 2020-2021 academic year received a hearing in the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development today. more »

Raatz: Senate District 27 awarded broadband funding

STATEHOUSE (Sept. 9, 2020) — Three rural broadband projects to improve internet service in Senate District 27 were recently awarded funding through the second round of the Next Level Connections Broadband Grant Program, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz: Senate District 27 awarded additional COVID-19 response funding

STATEHOUSE (Aug. 27, 2020) — Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch and the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) recently announced an additional 42 rural Hoosier communities, including four in Senate District 27, will receive more than $10.09 million in federal grant funding through the COVID-19 Response Program, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz: Indiana Senate Republicans offering paid 2021 internships

STATEHOUSE (Aug. 20, 2020) — The Indiana Senate Republican Caucus is offering paid spring-semester internships in its communications, information technology, legal, legislative and policy offices during the 2021 session of the Indiana General Assembly, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz: Local farms honored with Hoosier Homestead Award

STATEHOUSE (Aug. 7, 2020) – Area legislators recently announced the latest recipients of the Hoosier Homestead Award, which recognizes farms owned and maintained by the same family for 100 years or more. more »

State Sen. Jeff Raatz to serve as vice-chair of the education study committee

STATEHOUSE (June 22, 2020) – State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) will serve as vice-chair of the Interim Study Committee on Education during the summer and fall to help prepare lawmakers for the 2021 legislative session. He will also serve on the following commission, cabinet and panel: more »

Raatz Roundup: COVID-19 testing in our community

As our state continues to combat the spread of COVID-19, it is vital we continue to practice healthy habits. more »

Raatz: Senate District 27 awarded COVID-19 response funding

Communities in Senate District 27 will be awarded funds through the new COVID-19 Response Program, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz: Communities in Senate District 27 receive more than $3 million in road-funding grants

STATEHOUSE (April 8, 2020) — Communities in Senate District 27 will receive more than $3 million to improve roads and bridges through the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program (CCMG), said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz Roundup: Healthy habits to prevent illness

It's important for all of us to practice healthy habits with flu season upon us, especially in light of concerns surrounding the coronavirus. more »

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) made the following statement today in response to the State Board of Accounts audit finding two virtual schools defrauded taxpayers:

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) made the following statement today in response to the State Board of Accounts audit finding two virtual schools defrauded taxpayers: more »

Raatz: Holcomb signs Senate Enrolled Act 2 into law

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond, left) joins Gov. Eric Holcomb (right) as he signs Senate Enrolled Act 2 into law at the Statehouse Wednesday, Feb. 12. SEA 2, which Raatz authored, will provide a two-year “hold harmless” policy for state accountability grades and teacher evaluations for the 2019 and 2020 ILEARN results. more »

Raatz: Bill to hold schools, teachers and students harmless from ILEARN scores passes Senate

A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would hold schools, teachers and students harmless for 2019 and 2020 ILEARN results passed the Senate unanimously today. more »

Raatz files hold harmless bill; Education Committee to meet Monday

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) recently filed Senate Bill 2 to hold schools and teachers harmless from any negative consequences tied to the results of the new ILEARN test. more »

Statement from State Sen. Jeff Raatz regarding ILEARN

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) made the following statement today regarding the 2019 ILEARN Scores: more »

On My Way Pre-K enrollment now open

To help ensure our youngest Hoosiers receive high-quality pre-K education during the 2019-2020 school year, the Indiana Office of Early Childhood and Out-of-School Learning is currently accepting applications from families who may be eligible for the On My Way Pre-K grant. more »

Raatz: Bill to track hunting guide services moves to governor

STATEHOUSE (April 23, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would help track hunting guide services in Indiana recently passed the Senate and House of Representatives. more »

Raatz: Bill to help ensure proper oversight of virtual education programs moves to governor

STATEHOUSE (April 18, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would help ensure proper oversight of virtual education programs today passed the Senate by a vote of 39 to 7. more »

Raatz: Bill to increase schools’ flexibility in determining teacher raises moves to governor

STATEHOUSE (April 17, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would give school corporations more flexibility in determining teacher raises today passed the Senate unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to help improve student learning passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (April 16, 2019) – A bill sponsored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would help improve student learning today passed the Senate unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to help improve school safety passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (April 11, 2019) – A bill sponsored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would make changes to requirements regarding the Indiana Safe Schools Fund and Indiana Secured School Fund to help improve school safety in Indiana today passed the Senate by a vote of 31 to 17. more »

Raatz: Bill to help improve student learning passes committee

STATEHOUSE (April 11, 2019) – A bill sponsored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would help improve student learning recently passed the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to allow work-based learning, CTE to count toward high school diploma passes committee

STATEHOUSE (April 11, 2019) – A bill sponsored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would allow certain work-based learning and career and technical education (CTE) to replace required courses needed in order to receive a high school diploma recently passed the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development by a vote of 9 to 1. more »

Raatz: Bill to help address teacher shortage in Indiana moves to governor

STATEHOUSE (April 11, 2019) – A bill sponsored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would help address the teacher shortage and improve the teaching profession in Indiana recently passed the House of Representatives unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to allow for the creation of an ICO certification passes House committee

STATEHOUSE (April 9, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would allow for the creation of an Industry Collaboration Organization (ICO) certificate recently passed the House Committee on Education unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to allow for residential housing development programs passes House committee

STATEHOUSE (April 9, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would allow for the creation of residential housing development programs recently passed the House Committee on Ways and Means by a vote of 22 to 1. more »

Raatz: Bill to help ensure proper oversight of virtual education programs passes House committee

STATEHOUSE (April 9, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would help ensure proper oversight of virtual education programs recently passed the House Committee on Education unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to help improve school safety passes committee

STATEHOUSE (April 4, 2019) – A bill sponsored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would make changes to requirements regarding the Indiana Safe Schools Fund and Indiana Secured School Fund to help improve school safety in Indiana recently passed the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to increase schools’ flexibility in determining teacher raises passes House committee

STATEHOUSE (April 4, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would give school corporations more flexibility in determining teacher raises recently passed the House Committee on Education unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to create Workforce Diploma Reimbursement Program passes House

STATEHOUSE (April 2, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would establish the Workforce Diploma Reimbursement Program today passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 93 to 1. more »

Raatz: Bill to update teacher preparation program requirements passes House

STATEHOUSE (April 2, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would update requirements and improve transparency for teacher preparation programs in Indiana today passed the House of Representatives unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to update teacher preparation program requirements passes House committee

STATEHOUSE (March 28, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would update requirements and improve transparency for teacher preparation programs in Indiana recently passed the House Committee on Education unanimously. more »

Raatz: Road construction project to begin in Lynn

STATEHOUSE (March 19, 2019) – The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) will begin a road construction project next week to improve U.S. Route 27 from the southern city limit to the northern city limit of Lynn, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz: Bill to help address teacher shortage in Indiana passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (March 19, 2019) – A bill sponsored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would help address the teacher shortage and improve the teaching profession in Indiana today passed the Senate by a vote of 37-11. more »

Head: Legislation to address school bus safety issues passes House committee

STATEHOUSE (March 13, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Randy Head (R-Logansport) that would comprehensively address school bus safety issues in Indiana today passed the House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code by a vote of 9 to 3. more »

Raatz: Bill to help address teacher shortage in Indiana passes committee

STATEHOUSE (March 14, 2019) – A bill sponsored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would help address the teacher shortage and improve the teaching profession in Indiana recently passed the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development unanimously. more »

Statement from State Sen. Jeff Raatz in response to concerns expressed regarding school funding in Indiana

STATEHOUSE (March 14, 2019) — “Recently, some concerns have been brought to my attention regarding a potential change in the level of school funding because new data suggests poverty levels in some districts are declining. more »

Raatz: Bill to track hunting guide services passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 25, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would help track hunting guide services in Indiana recently passed the Senate by a vote of 35 to 14. more »

Raatz: Bill to create Workforce Diploma Reimbursement Program passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 25, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would establish the Workforce Diploma Reimbursement Program and Fund recently passed the Senate by a vote of 47 to 2. more »

Raatz: Bill to allow for the creation of an ICO certification passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 25, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would allow for the creation of an Industry Credentialing Organization (ICO) certificate today passed the Senate by a vote of 44 to 5. more »

Raatz: Bill to update teacher preparation program requirements passes committee

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 21, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would update requirements for teacher preparation programs in Indiana recently passed the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to help students stay on track to graduate passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 20, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would help students stay on track to graduate recently passed the Senate unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to expand tax credit for classroom supplies passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 18, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would expand the tax credit teachers can receive for buying classroom supplies today passed the Senate unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to streamline required teacher trainings passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 14, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would streamline the trainings required of Indiana teachers today passed the Senate unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to help ensure proper oversight of virtual education programs passes committee

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 14, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would help ensure proper oversight of virtual education programs recently passed the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to create graduation pathway tracking system passes committee

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 14, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would create a graduation pathway tracking system recently passed the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development by a vote of 7 to 2. more »

Raatz: Bill to increase schools’ flexibility in determining teacher raises passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 12, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would give school corporations more flexibility in determining teacher raises today passed the Senate unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to increase schools’ flexibility in determining teacher raises passes committee

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 7, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would give school corporations more flexibility in determining teacher raises recently passed the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to create Workforce Diploma Reimbursement Program passes committee

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 7, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would establish the Workforce Diploma Reimbursement Program and Fund recently passed the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development by a bipartisan vote of 9 to 1. more »

Raatz: Bill to extend Opioid Treatment Pilot Program passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 29, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would extend the Opioid Treatment Pilot Program today passed the Senate by a unanimous vote. more »

Raatz: Bill to streamline required teacher trainings passes committee

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 31, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would streamline the trainings required of Indiana teachers recently passed the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development by a unanimous vote. more »

Raatz: Bill to expand tax credit for classroom supplies passes committee

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 31, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would expand the tax credit teachers can receive for buying classroom supplies recently passed the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development by a unanimous vote. more »

Raatz: Bill to create tax credit for workforce education contributions passes committee

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 24, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) to create a tax credit for those who contribute to an Industry Credentialing Organization (ICO), a nonprofit that funds work-based learning for students, recently passed the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development by a vote of 9 to 1. more »

Raatz presents Douglas Gerber with a Distinguished Hoosier Award

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) recently presented Douglas Gerber, Richmond cattle farmer and former president of the American Hereford Association (AHA), with a Distinguished Hoosier Award at the Indiana State Fair. more »

Raatz: Employability Skills Curriculum Bill Passes Senate

A bill that would require schools to include interdisciplinary employability skills standards in their curriculum recently passed out of the Senate by a vote of 48-0, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz: Employability Skills Curriculum Bill Passes Committee

Raatz: Employability Skills Curriculum Bill Passes Committee more »

Raatz Honors East Central Football Team

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) presents Senate Concurrent Resolution 18 at the Statehouse Tuesday, Jan. 30. more »

Raatz: Computer Science Curriculum Bill Passes Senate

A bill that would require public and charter schools to offer students a computer science course as a one-semester elective at least once each school year recently passed out of the Senate by a vote of 48-1, said State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond). more »

Raatz Authors Bill for Computer Science Curriculum

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) has authored a bill that would require public and charter schools to offer high school students a computer science course as a one-semester elective at least once each school year. more »

Senate Republicans Detail 2018 Legislative Agenda

Members of the Indiana Senate Republican Caucus today announced their agenda for the 2018 legislative session. more »

Statement from State Sen. Jeff Raatz

State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Centerville) made the following statement regarding the Next Level Roads Plan: more »

State Sen. Jeff Raatz to Serve on Study Committees

STATEHOUSE (June 29, 2017) — State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Centerville) will serve on the following study committees and commission during the summer and fall months to help prepare for the 2018 session of the General Assembly: more »

Raatz: Bill to Establish Opioid Abuse Treatment Pilot Program Moves to Governor

STATEHOUSE (April 10, 2017) — Legislation authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Centerville) to establish an opioid abuse treatment program is now headed to the governor for final consideration. more »

Raatz: Bill to Establish Opioid Abuse Treatment Pilot Program Passes Senate, Moves to House

STATEHOUSE (March 9, 2017) — A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Centerville) to establish an opioid abuse treatment program passed the Senate recently by a vote of 43-7. more »

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State Senator - District 27

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