Contact: Kyra Helming, Press Secretary
Walter Aleksic, Press Secretary Intern
STATEHOUSE (Feb. 9, 2022) – State Sen. Eric Koch (R-Bedford) welcomed the following local students to the Statehouse who served as Senate pages in January.
• Christopher Carroll, from Bedford, is a homeschooled student
• Reagan Davis, from Columbus, attends Columbus East High School
• Gabriella Sarver, from Seymour, attends St. Amrose Catholic School
• Erich Schuler, from Bedford, is a homeschooled student
• Anna Sowders, from Mitchell, attends Mitchell High School
• Emma Sowders, from Mitchell, attends Mitchell High School
• Jackson Warren, from Columbus, attends Columbus East High School
• Laura Wires, from Bedford, attends Lincoln Elementary School
The pages spend the day at the Statehouse touring the historic building, observing debates from the Senate floor, and interacting with their state senator.
"I was delighted to meet with these pages and teach them how the Senate operates," Koch said. "The page program is a wonderful, interactive opportunity for students to broaden their horizon and encourage civic engagement."
Students in grades six through 12 participate in the page program on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays during the legislative session. Groups serve on Wednesdays.
To learn more about the Senate Page Program, visit
High-resolution photos can be accessed by clicking on the page’s name above or by visiting