News Releases

Alting: Bill to help protect victims in nonconsensual pornography cases passes House

A bill authored by State Sen. Ron Alting (R-Lafayette) that would help reduce nonconsensual pornography, also known as “revenge porn,” today passed the House of Representatives unanimously. more »

Boots: Bill to address extraterritorial powers of cities and towns passes House committee

A bill authored by State Sen. Phil Boots (R-Crawfordsville) that would address the extraterritorial powers of cities and towns today passed the House Select Committee on Government Reduction unanimously. more »

Alting: Bill to help prevent animal abuse passes House

A bill authored by State Sen. Ron Alting (R-Lafayette) that would help prevent animal abuse today passed the House of Representatives unanimously. more »

Alting: Bill to improve elevator safety passes House committee

A bill authored by State Sen. Ron Alting (R-Lafayette) that would help improve elevator safety in Indiana recently passed the House Committee on Veterans Affairs and Public Safety unanimously. more »

Ford: Bill to help prevent animal abuse passes House

A bill authored by State Sen. Jon Ford (R-Terre Haute) that would help prevent animal abuse in Indiana recently passed the House of Representatives unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to help improve school safety passes committee

STATEHOUSE (April 4, 2019) – A bill sponsored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would make changes to requirements regarding the Indiana Safe Schools Fund and Indiana Secured School Fund to help improve school safety in Indiana recently passed the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development unanimously. more »

Raatz: Bill to increase schools’ flexibility in determining teacher raises passes House committee

STATEHOUSE (April 4, 2019) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would give school corporations more flexibility in determining teacher raises recently passed the House Committee on Education unanimously. more »

Zay: Bill to help curb county jail overcrowding passes Senate

STATEHOUSE (April 4, 2019) — A bill sponsored by State Sen. Andy Zay (R-Huntington) that would help curb the overcrowding issues facing many county jails in Indiana recently passed the full Senate by a vote of 46 to 2. more »

Statement from State Sen. Aaron Freeman

State Sen. Aaron Freeman (R-Indianapolis) made the following statement today regarding Senate Enrolled Act 198 being signed into law: more »

Freeman Recognizes Indiana Paralegal Association:

State Sen. Aaron Freeman (R-Indianapolis, center) recognizes the Indiana Paralegal Association (IPA) on its 40th anniversary with Senate Resolution 54 at the Statehouse Tuesday, April 2. more »