News Releases

Leising congratulates Schmidt Bakery for 60 years of service

State Sen. Jean Leising (R-Oldenburg, right) presents Clem and Bertie Schmidt, the owners of Schmidt Bakery, with a certificate of congratulations on the businesses' 60th anniversary Thursday, June 29. more »

Byrne, Engleman invite constituents to Jacob T. McClanahan road renaming ceremony

Senate Concurrent Resolution 6, authored by State Sen. Gary Byrne (R-Byrneville) and sponsored by State Rep. Karen Engleman (R-Georgetown) during the 2023 legislative session, renames a stretch of State Road 135 in memory of Jacob T. McClanahan. Requested on behalf of the Harrison County community, council and commissioners, the stretch will begin at School Lane and span toward Palmyra. more »

Leising: New laws go into effect July 1

The Indiana General Assembly passed a total of 252 laws during the 2023 legislative session, and a majority of them go into effect July 1. I supported the following bills to help our state become a greater place to live, work and raise a family. more »

RAATZ ROUNDUP: New laws go into effect July 1

The Indiana General Assembly passed a total of 252 laws this year, and many of them go into effect on July 1. I supported the following policies and look forward to seeing their positive impact on our communities. more »

Messmer Report: Teaching the Science of Reading

The ability to read is an important skill for students to have in order to be successful in school and in life. more »

State Sen. Jean Leising invites constituents to the Rush County Fair

State Sen. Jean Leising (R-Oldenburg) will be available to discuss Indiana's new laws and other topics from 7 - 9 p.m., Wednesday, June 28, at the Rush County Fair. more »

Messmer Report: Supporting the armed forces

As a member of the Indiana General Assembly, I always work hard to help the men and women who serve our nation. more »

Bray: Legislative Council announces interim study committee topics

STATEHOUSE (June 13, 2023) ― The Indiana General Assembly’s Legislative Council met today to assign topics for lawmakers to study during the 2023 legislative interim, said Senate President Pro Tem Rodric Bray (R-Martinsville). more »

Messmer Report: Ensuring emergency call responses

When Hoosiers call 911 in an emergency, they want to know that someone will answer the phone quickly. more »

State Sen. Jean Leising invites constituents to the Jennings County Fair

State Sen. Jean Leising (R-Oldenburg) will be available to discuss Indiana's new laws and other topics from 7 - 9 p.m., Thursday, June 15, at the Jennings County Fair. more »