Thursday, June 10, 2021
Each legislative session, lawmakers introduce bills aimed to improve the state of Indiana, but because of the time constraints of session, some bills aren't able to be fully considered. As a result, these bills are often converted to study committee topics, which lawmakers discuss throughout the summer and fall months to gain a better understanding of the issue and how to best address it in the next legislative session.
Study committee topics are assigned by the bipartisan Legislative Council, comprised of 16 voting members – eight from the Senate and eight from the House of Representatives.
Topics assigned to committees for discussion include criminal and juvenile justice reform, human trafficking, the advantages of using home-and community-based health services, a program supporting new moms, how to streamline the number of education mandates placed on schools, and a review of broadband and road-funding grant programs.
To view study committee agendas and stream hearings online, visit For a full list of topics that will be examined, click here.