STATEHOUSE (Sept. 5, 2023) — The City of Huntington will receive a $600,000 grant through the Stormwater Improvement Program, said State Sen. Andy Zay (R-Huntington).
The grant will be used by Huntington to reduce flooding by upgrading the stormwater utility within the Home Place Addition. A new storm sewer network will be constructed and a retention pond will be added between Park Street and Etna Avenue. Roadways within the area will also be reconstructed and upgraded with new curb and gutters, drainage inlets and a sidewalk.
"I'm pleased to see our community receive funding to repair and upgrade our stormwater system," said Zay. "I look forward to seeing how this funding improves the quality of life and safety of this area and I commend our local leaders for applying for this funding to improve our public infrastructure."
As a part of OCRA's Community Development Block Grants, the Stormwater Improvement Program strives to assist local governments with community projects like infrastructure improvements, stormwater treatment and energy costs, as well as generate local job opportunities for economic revitalization.
For more information, click here.
State Sen. Andy Zay (R-Huntington) represents Senate District 17,
which includes Grant, Huntington and Wabash counties.
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