News Releases

Statement from State Sen. Dan Dernulc 1/29/2025


Contact: Kristen Gorski, Press Secretary

Statement from State Sen. Dan Dernulc

State Sen. Dan Dernulc (R-Highland) made the following statement today in response to Gov. Mike Braun's 2025 State of the State address:

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 29, 2025) – "Tonight I was pleased to hear Gov. Braun putting so many important topics at the forefront of Indiana's priorities, especially the attention given toward addressing the state's property taxes, a goal shared by my colleagues and me.

"In addition to the priorities of both the governor and our caucus, I have offered legislation to strengthen property rights, help my local community, better protect Hoosier children and support those who protect Hoosier children.

"Senate Bill 70 would strengthen the rights of property owners. It looks to provide a quick avenue to remove squatters from Hoosier homes without having to go through the eviction process, since as these squatters invade someone else's property and therefore are not entitled to the same rights as those who reside at a residence legally.

"Senate Bill 187 would amend the requirements for the Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals (PTABOA) members to ensure those on the board are residents of Indiana.

"Senate Bill 40 would require the Little Calumet River Basin Development Commission to submit an annual budget to the Lake County Council for approval.

"Senate Bill 91 would better protect Hoosier children by increasing the penalty for those who groom or prepare a child to perform sexual activity.

"Senate Bill 72 would protect child therapists, counselors and other professionals whose license falls under the behavioral health and human services licensing board in the event they testify in a child custody proceeding, a child in need of services proceeding, or a termination of parent-child relationship proceeding.

"I look forward to working on these and many other issues as we continue to work to keep Indiana a great place to live, work and raise a family."


State Sen. Dan Dernulc (R-Highland) represents Senate District 1,

which includes a portion of Lake County.

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