News Releases

Messmer Report: Limiting Statewide Emergency Declarations

Limiting Statewide Emergency Declarations

By State Sen. Mark Messmer (R-Jasper)

Emergency declarations can be an important tool to ensure resources get to communities in need in a timely manner.

The COVID-19 pandemic taught us important lessons about how best to govern during a widespread emergency situation – which should include input from all branches of government.

During the pandemic, however, many of the important decisions impacting Hoosiers were being made by the state's executive branch – no input from the legislative or judicial branches.

This year, I supported Senate Enrolled Act 234 to change this for future generations.

The new law limits statewide emergency declarations without legislative action for 60 days. If the General Assembly is not in session to extend it, the governor would need to call for a special session of the legislature.

This will ensure that Hoosiers across the state have their voices heard when one of these emergencies takes place, as members of the General Assembly represent every corner of Indiana.

Legislators are the state officials who are closest to the people and should have input on the extent and length of an emergency declaration that impacts the entire state.

This law does not impact more regional or local emergency declarations, such as those that occur as the result of a flood or tornado in a specific area of the state.

Senate Enrolled Act 234 went into effect when it was signed by the governor in March.

As always, constituents can reach out to me with any questions or concerns they may have by filling out a "Contact Me" form on the website or by phone at 800-382-9467.


State Sen. Mark Messmer (R-Jasper) represents Senate District 48, which
includes Crawford, Dubois, Gibson, Perry, Pike and Spencer counties.
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