Contact: Jesse Cordray, Press Secretary
Emma Balzer, Press Secretary Intern
STATEHOUSE (Jan. 26, 2021) – A bill authored by State Sen. Jean Leising (R-Oldenburg) that would address the testing and reporting of diseased animals passed the Indiana Senate unanimously this week.
Under current law, if a veterinarian, owner, caretaker or custodian of an animal knows or suspects that an animal has a disease or condition that requires reporting to the state, the individual must report it to the state veterinarian or a local health officer within 48 hours.
Senate Bill 53 would instead require those individuals to report their findings within 24 hours. SB 53 would also require a laboratory or animal health professional to report the type of any tests performed as well as the positive diagnoses for certain diseases within 24 hours after a test renders a positive diagnosis.
"SB 53 would ensure that when a disease outbreak occurs, it will be handled properly so that it won't cause irreparable loss to the farm of origin or others," Leising said. "I believe this is a good bill, one that protects everyone's interests from the ground up."
SB 53 will now be considered by the Indiana House of Representatives. To learn more about SB 53, click here.