News Releases

Freeman: Bill to Expand Filings for Killing Fetuses Passes House

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 27, 2018) — A bill authored by State Sen. Aaron Freeman (R-Indianapolis) to expand the type of crimes for killing fetuses today passed the House of Representatives unanimously.

Under current law, the person or people responsible for the death of an unborn child can only be charged if the baby could have lived outside the womb.

Senate Bill 203, however, would change the law to allow the perpetrator to be charged with murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter or feticide, depending on the circumstances of the event, for the loss of a fetus at any stage of development.

“The life of an unborn child is sacred, and it is our job to keep them from harm,” Freeman said. “If someone kills a pregnant woman, they should not only be tried for her death, but also the death of the fetus.”

This bill would not apply to a lawfully performed abortion.

SB 203 will now return to the Senate.


For a high-resolution photo of Sen. Freeman, click here.