Contact: Kristen Gorski, Press Secretary
Kylee Leahy, Press Secretary Intern
STATEHOUSE (Jan. 9, 2024) — A bill authored by State Sen. Dan Dernulc (R-Highland) that would mitigate license suspension in regard to proof of insurance issues was heard in the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Transportation today.
Senate Bill 19 would require the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) to send a request for proof of insurance to the most recent insurance carrier listed for the registration of the vehicle involved in an accident. This puts more of the burden for proof of insurance on the BMV than the driver, expediting the process of gathering the necessary information and mitigating the unnecessary license suspension for those who don't comply with the request for proof of insurance but who are in fact covered.
"My main goal with this legislation is to help those who are unable to respond quickly enough to the request for proof of insurance, which includes those injured in an accident or who may not receive the notice," Dernulc said. "There have been too many Hoosiers who have had their license suspended unnecessarily due to the communication on gathering proof of insurance with no notice of said suspension. I look forward to working with the BMV and my fellow legislators to help this important piece of legislation move forward."
SB 19 was held in the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Transportation for further discussion.
State Sen. Dan Dernulc (R-Highland) represents Senate District 1,
which includes a portion of Lake County.
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